Group Therapy

At the Associated Clinic of Psychology (ACP), we offer group therapy options for various types of clinical issues. Group therapy provides you an opportunity to meet with and receive support from other individuals who are struggling with similar conditions.

Though participating in group therapy may seem intimidating at first, it provides you with real-life skills and support, as well as the chance to practice your skills outside our clinic. You'll have a sounding board for your experiences, and learn from the experiences and perspectives of others in a safe, confidential, and therapeutic atmosphere that promotes lifelong success.

How Does Group Therapy Work?

An initial individual appointment with the group facilitator is required prior to joining the group in order to assess whether group therapy will be a good fit for you. Please contact the main number for the clinic location of the group you’re interested in and ask to be scheduled for a group intake appointment.

Group therapy scheduling subject to availability.

Find Group Therapy Near You

Considering group therapy as part of your behavioral health journey? Request an appointment with our clinic today, so we can assess your condition and find the best group therapy for your needs, schedule, and experiences.

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