Psychological Testing & Assessments

Psychological testing and assessments are diagnostic tools used to provide information, to support or clarify a diagnosis, or to assist in the development of a treatment plan.

You may have been referred by your primary care physicians, county social workers, attorneys, courts, schools and other behavioral health providers for testing.

Testing is often used to diagnose learning disabilities or ADHD, evaluate emotional and interpersonal concerns, and assess cognitive dysfunction. The clinician conducting the evaluation will rely on a wide range of testing instruments to assess intelligence, achievement, personality, attention, concentration, memory, behavior, and adaptive functioning.

What is ACP’s Psychological Testing Process?

The first step to the testing process is a one-hour intake appointment in which you will meet the provider conducting the evaluation. This first appointment is used to gather information, determine what type of testing is needed, and address any questions or concerns you may have.

No actual testing will happen during this first appointment.

The testing will take place at your second appointment, typically a few weeks after the initial intake. Testing appointments can range from 2 to 4 hours long depending on what tests will be administered.

A few weeks after your testing appointment, you will meet for a third and final appointment where the testing provider will review their findings and final report with you.

Request a Psychological Testing Appointment with ACP Today

Psychological testing is administered and interpreted by doctorate-level clinicians who have advanced training and qualifications.

Request an Appointment Today


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