Mitchell M. Tavernier, MA, LPCC, Community-Based Services Trainer

Community-Based & Clinic-Based Therapy Services

People seek meaning and purpose in their lives. Meaning and purpose often derive from our core values. When we are unable to live out these values day to day, we suffer. Therefore, I seek a holistic understanding of each person with whom I work, including their values, and strive to understand how their mental health and other barriers may be preventing them from achieving satisfaction in their life. I am rooted in an Existential perspective where individual meaning and purpose are paramount, but borrow frequently from Cognitive-Behavioral (CBT) interventions to help form new ways of thinking that are more adaptive and conducive to life satisfaction. I encourage the use of humor, creativity, and metaphor in my work, and welcome each person for who they are.

Approach to Supervision

If clinical work provides the raw material of a therapist’s development, then supervision is the forge that gives a therapist unique shape and distinction. My approach to supervision is to trust my supervisees’ natural will to grow, and to offer them the skills, guidance, feedback, and awareness needed for this purpose. I may at times be lighthearted, direct, or honest. And I value individuality, transparency, and a willingness to try.

Telehealth Services

To expand and improve our care options for clients, ACP offers Telehealth (phone or video) appointments. Telehealth uses phone or video conferencing to connect you with highly qualified and experienced providers in real-time from the comfort and convenience of your own home or office. Before your telehealth appointment, you will receive details for how you will connect with your provider. If you will be connecting via phone, the provider will plan to call you at your scheduled appointment time. Please be ready to take the call and also check that your phone allows calls from blocked numbers (accessible within your phone settings). If you will be connecting via video conference, your provider will email you an invite to join the appointment. Please call our office to learn more about ACP’s telehealth services and to schedule an appointment.

Areas of Specialty

  • Adults
  • Depression
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Grief/loss
  • Immigrant/refugee

Licensures / Titles

  • Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor (LPCC)
  • Mental Health Professional


  • Master of Arts, Counseling & Psychological Services (MA) – St. Mary’s University of Minnesota
  • Bachelor of Arts, English Literature (BA) – University of Minnesota, Duluth

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